5 AI-Powered Techniques to Skyrocket Your Marketing Emails

Sept. 5, 2024, 5:12 p.m.

Email marketing can be a bit tricky—finding the right words, nailing the perfect design, and sending it at just the right time. But with the power of AI, what used to be a challenge is now a lot easier. In this article, we’ll explore five ways AI can take your email campaigns to the next level, and how VerySmartEmails can help you achieve these results effortlessly.

1. Improve Subject Lines with AI-Driven Suggestions

We all know the subject line is the first thing people see—and it often determines whether they’ll even open your email. A weak subject line, and your carefully crafted message may end up in the trash. But here’s the good news: AI can help!

VerySmartEmails uses AI to analyze and optimize subject lines, offering you suggestions that are tailored to boost open rates. Whether you need to make it shorter, more exciting, or add some urgency, the AI knows what works best. No more guesswork!

Pro tip: Test a few subject lines with VerySmartEmails’ suggestions and watch your open rates improve!

2. Personalize Content Using Audience Segmentation

Imagine receiving an email that feels like it was written just for you. It mentions something you care about and speaks your language. That’s the power of personalization. And the good news? You don’t have to do this manually!

AI in VerySmartEmails helps you segment your audience by analyzing their behavior, preferences, and engagement history. It allows you to create personalized content that resonates with different segments of your audience.

With personalized content, your engagement rates will soar—and your audience will keep coming back for more.

3. Optimize Your Call-to-Actions (CTAs)

Your email’s Call-to-Action (CTA) is where the magic happens—it’s where you convert your readers into customers, subscribers, or leads. But a generic CTA like “Click here” won’t cut it anymore. It’s time to get creative!

VerySmartEmails uses AI to analyze and suggest powerful CTAs that grab attention and drive action. Whether you’re asking your readers to “Start Your Free Trial” or “Get Your Discount Now,” AI helps you fine-tune the wording, position, and design of your CTAs for maximum impact.

4. Improve Email Design for Better Engagement

It’s not just what you say—it’s how you say it. Your email design plays a massive role in keeping your readers engaged. But if you’re not a design pro, don’t worry—AI’s got your back here too.

VerySmartEmails can analyze your email layout and suggest design tweaks to make your email more engaging. From mobile-friendly layouts to clear content hierarchy, AI helps ensure your email looks great across all devices and browsers.

5. Timing Optimization for Higher Engagement

Sending the perfect email at the wrong time can result in missed opportunities. Timing is everything in email marketing. You want your message to hit your reader’s inbox when they’re most likely to open and engage with it. But how do you figure that out?

AI in VerySmartEmails takes care of that by analyzing user behavior and engagement history to suggest the best times to send your emails. Whether your audience prefers to check emails in the morning, during lunch breaks, or in the evening, VerySmartEmails can help you automate your email scheduling for maximum impact.


Email marketing doesn’t have to be hard, and with the power of AI, it’s easier than ever to boost your campaigns. From writing compelling subject lines and personalizing content to designing eye-catching emails and sending them at the right time, AI helps you optimize every step of the process.

Ready to see your email marketing performance skyrocket? Try VerySmartEmails for free today and take your email campaigns to the next level.